© Edward Waddington
Margaret Janet Becker (1904 - 1953)
Margaret Janet Becker (1904-1953) was interested in the preservation and renovation of ancient
monuments and treasures in cathedrals and churches and she travelled as far afield as Cornwall
and Scotland to organise the cleaning and renovation of woodwork and stone, roof bosses and
monuments. She researched similar contemporary monuments, clothing and customs before
undertaking any restoration. She was a member of the St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Diocesan
Advisory Committee on the care of churches, the council of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology
and the Suffolk Preservation Society. She was also the chairwoman of the Wangford Branch of
the Divisional Conservative Society. Her artistic ability found expression in writing novels and
verse, as well as historical articles and essays. Her two novels were 'David Without Jonathan' (in
America it was entitled the 'Thirsty Oak') and 'Ploughshare into Pylon' which was based on life in
a Suffolk village. Her 'Flowers by Post and Other Verse' was published in Halesworth in 1944.
Historical accounts of local places included 'Notes on the Church and Village of Wenhaston;
Blythburgh - An Essay on the VIllage and its Church' and 'Sutherland House and Sole Bay'. She
also edited the 'Story of Southwold' and wrote articles on monumental art and Rochester Bridge.
Ref Suffolk County Council - Suffolk Archives https://www.suffolkarchives.co.uk/collections/getrecord/GB175_823
Janet Becker had a correspondence with Caroline Louisa Pickthall